The Cycle of Prosperity and Affordable Homeownership

What surrounds you shapes you. For Habitat Homeowner, Kelsey Sharp, who received her home in 2020, this couldn’t ring truer.

“This is more than a house, it’s a sense of belonging and pride where we’ve been able to build a community with our neighbors and provide a nurturing home that welcomes family and friends.”

cycle prosperity

Sadly, incomes have not kept up with the cost of housing, which often leads families to choose between paying rent and investing in health, education, and the future of their family.

A decent place to call Home builds the foundation for the start of the Cycle of Prosperity.

Decent, affordable housing supports better physical and mental well-being. Healthy individuals lead to stronger families. Stronger families come together to create vibrant communities. And vibrant communities foster the growth and well-being of children.

Quality Housing Leads to Healthier Families

The well-being of our community is closely linked to the health of the children and families in it. Unfortunately, the high housing costs in our community can force families to remain in substandard housing that can contribute to chronic health issues such as asthma, caused by indoor mold and mildew.

In fact, studies show that 21% of asthma cases can be linked to mildew and mold in homes.

The cost of substandard housing is more than overpriced rent. It’s the well-being and health of families in our communities. That’s where a Habitat home makes a difference.

Strong Families Build Vibrant Communities

For Kelsey, purchasing a new home through Habitat lifted the financial burden of high housing costs which opened the door to new opportunities.

Habitat mortgages fix a family’s housing costs to 30% of their monthly income, which alleviates financial stress and gives families a chance to plan and dream for the future.

As such, our organization helps to create opportunities for improved quality of life, stronger families, and interconnected communities.

Affordable homeownership builds a Cycle of Prosperity and the foundations for community revitalization.

Vibrant Communities Lead to a Cycle of Prosperity

Research shows that families who live in stable housing are more civically engaged. Civic engagement leads to collective action advocating for their personal and neighborhood’s interests. Ultimately, these coordinated efforts lead to a sense of pride and ownership in community outcomes.

Through this collective work communities build stronger interpersonal relationships and feel more committed to the well-being of their neighbors.

The ripple effect of decent, affordable homeownership is truly amazing!

Join Us in Making a Difference

The Cycle of Prosperity requires commitment from everyone in our community. Community partnerships, home buyers, volunteers, and donors all make this happen.

Your support is crucial to our success…


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