Why do you choose to support Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County, TX?
Habitat chose US! My husband Ed and I were new to Georgetown in 2003. We joined Sun City hiking club and engaged in social interaction with the then president of the Habitat board of directors and subsequently became part of the Habitat family of volunteers!
What is your most memorable HFHWC moment?
There are too many to remember – a friendship with 5 other women who were active in the construction of homes, a home owner making tamales for us as we worked on her home, the excitement mother with 5 boys (four of whom were burned in a fire) moving into her two-story home, the excavation of the property for Old Mill Village homes, the smiles on faces of family members on dedication days, the day someone called a “picky” homeowner “Shirley junior” and she was happy with her new nickname.
How do you feel volunteering with us impacts your life?
Habitat work days have become the first items noted on our weekly planner! Enough said.
What does “home” mean to you and why is it important to help provide that opportunity for others?
Being able to say, this is MY PLACE!
If you wanted to recommend that someone support Habitat in two sentences, what would you say?
If you want to be productive and enjoy doing something for others, come to one of our construction builds. If building is not your cup of tea, you may find many other ways to contribute to the organization – volunteering in restore, in the office, family selection, board member, etc.